Dr. Constant Beugre

Professor of Management

Dr. Beugré is a professor of management and entrepreneurship at Delaware State University. He holds a Ph.D. in management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a Ph.D. in Industrial & Organizational Psychology from the University of Paris X/Nanterre and an MBA from the University of Paris Sorbonne. He has published seven books and peer-reviewed articles in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Decision Sciences, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, and Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Dr. Beugré, first coined the term, neuro-organizational behavior to explain the role of neuroscience in understanding human behavior in organizations. His recent research on organizational neuroscience has led to the publication of two refereed journal articles, two book chapters, four conference presentations and a book, The Neuroscience of Organizational Behavior, Edward Elgar (2018).

Dr. Beugré has served as the chair of the Department of Business Administration from 2009 to 2013 and Acting Associate Dean of the College of Business from 2009 to 2011. Prior to joining Delaware State University, Dr. Beugré was an assistant professor of management and information systems at Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus. Dr. Beugré was also a visiting fellow at Harvard University. He was a Fulbright Scholar at Methodist University College Ghana during the spring and summer semesters 2014. In this capacity, Dr. Beugré helped to establish the Center for Entrepreneurship Education, Research, and Training (CEERT), a Youth Entrepreneurship Academy, and delivered several seminars and public lectures on fostering entrepreneurial ecosystems in developing countries. On a sabbatical leave during the academic year 2013-2014, Dr. Beugré travelled extensively in Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, and Chile). He was part of a group of professors of US business schools to visit Cuba in May 2019.